Life outside academia
I share my life with my wife, Hyttel.
Maria and I have a daughter, Nadia. Here are three recent pictures of Nadia.. Nadia is still quite young - she was born on 18 May 2001, so she is now 16 years old.
I am an only child - or so I thought. In 1999 I suddenly discovered that I have an older half brother - his name is Christian Poulsen. He and his wife Jeanette have a company called Aerofit in Birkerød. Christian is also involved in another company, Synergy Management. And in 2006 I discovered that I have a half sister, Natascha, in Stockport (near Manchester, UK) and a half brother, Alexander, from Düsseldorf, Germany. In 2009 I got yet another sister, Angelina, who is also from Manchester.
Human rights
I spend a lot of of my spare time working for Amnesty International . Violations of basic human rights are a major problem in all parts of the world today; it is important that we all make an effort to change this this sad state of affairs. Join us! If you live in Denmark, you might want to have a look at the homepage of the Danish section (in Danish).
Every now and then I grab a bit to eat. As some of you know, I'm a dedicated vegan . Alas! good eating places are few and far between, but you can always have a look at a list of restaurants at the Vegetarian Pages. And no, I most definitely do not eat here....
And, lest I forget to tell you, I am involved with the Danish Skeptics Society.
Links to the world around us
Hans Hüttel <Send mail to Hans>